It consists of an astrological chart of 3 pages, where you will be shown your sign concerning western astrology and also Indian Vedic astrology.
You will be shown 2 planets charts and you will be told under the influence of which planet you are in the present moment.
You can ask 5 questions to know more about your life.
Final price excl. shipping costs
It consists of an astrological chart of 30 pages, where you will be shown your sign concerning western astrology and also Indian Vedic astrology.
You will be shown 5 planets charts and you will be told under the influence of which planet you are in the present moment.
You can ask 10 questions to know more about your life.
Final price excl. shipping costs
It will show the similarities and differences between two different astrology charts to analyze and see if you are compatible as partners.
You will be told in which way you are compatible and which things you can change to avoid problems and to have a better communication and harmony in the relation.
Through this match making you will know how you can grow together, economically, in the family, in love, etc.
Final price excl. shipping costs